Saving lives with AEDs
Registered AED Locations are accessible to Jessamine County’s E911 emergency dispatchers and disclosed to emergency responders, including nearby citizens trained in CPR and off-duty professionals such as firefighters, paramedics, and nurses. Instead of asking the caller if an AED is available, our 9-1-1 staff can inform callers of nearby lifesaving devices.
Register your AEDs
You can register your Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in three different ways, download the PulsePoint AED app to your mobile phone, visit the “AED.NEW” website linked below (it’s also embedded within this page), or contact us to register your AED.
Jessamine County E911 and EMS use the PulsePoint AED Registry to bring this lifesaving information to our 911 operators and the county’s first responders. There is never a charge to use any aspect of the PulsePoint registry. PulsePoint is a public, non-profit organization providing the app and hosted AED registry for free as part of its core mission to improve cardiac arrest survival. Let’s save some lives together.